Saturday, August 17, 2013
Time For Change

get fit journey,
getting fit
St. George, UT, USA
Monday, March 18, 2013
Mani Monday
I am a huge fan of leopard print!
And to combine it with a bright bold color looks so chic!
White to black gradient with leopard.
Never can go wrong with gold polka dots and an accent nail.
Stripes and polka dots! Always a fave!
What's on your nails today?
Go check out Glitter and Gloss to see all the gorgeous and creative manis that are being linked up!

Sunday, March 17, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Long time no blog

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Helloooooo, I'm back!
Hello friends and new followers! Oh my goodness, I had completely forgotten about signing up to be a co-host on the GFC blog hop and it went on without me knowing until I checked my e-mail and found so many heartwarming comments from some fabulous new friends.
If you are new to the blog, welcome!!! I am so happy to have you and I can't wait to get to know each and everyone of you! :D
Lately, I have been pretty absent in the blog world and boy have I missed it. There has been so many changes. One huge change is that I am finally in Utah. St. George, Utah-to be exact. The kiddos and I have been here for about 2 months now and we are still boarding with my fantastic sister-in-law. Its been a chaotic, but fun adventure. There have been plenty of things to get used to. Especially, since there are 6 of us to one bath room. Eight, if you include the guys when there are home from work. And one thing about this family of boys is that they enjoy sitting on the porcelain throne. It must run in the family. haha.
Another change is that my little dude- Emery is now 7 months (almost 8) and mobile! My little monster has mastered the military crawl and is all over the place. Oh and he is so curious. He loves finding new places. Speaking of finding new things, he's found his "friend." Actually, I'm not sure what to name it. Should I be anatomically correct and call it (dare I say it) his penis or should I call it his wee-wee, whoo-ha, little buddy, catapillar, or no-no? I mean, I'm not afraid of calling it what it is, but I don't want it to be his first word. No scratch that, "dadda" is his first word.
Emery at bath time.
Boys start so early.
Btw, this is going to be great blackmail one day!
I have barely scratched the surface of all the new changes, but I am so excited to get back into blogging. I am so excited to meet all the new faces that have stopped by!
I hope that you all have a fantastic day!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The Biebs, Call Me Maybe, And Apologies
So as I am sitting here writing to all you beauties, the daughter and I am jamming out to Justin Bieber and I am contemplating on downloading his music for the trip out to Utah next week.
Firstly, I have to show you this video that I have been so lucky to have been shown. I don't know if you have seen it, if you have awesome! If not- you HAVE to watch! Its hilarious and watch the reactions they are the best. I was laughing so hard by the end that I was crying.
The guy is a bit disturbing, but the reactions are hilarious!
Secondly, I have to apologize to all you lovelies. I am so very sorry for being M.I.A. lately. It's been a whirlwind around here. I've been so busy trying to get the house packed. Filtering through all our belongings and trying to decide what I just can't live without and what I can- it's been so difficult. You never really realize how much crap you collect until you have to go through it all. Its been even more difficult because I am doing it alone. The kids don't understand that mommy needs time to get this stuff done. So its not like I can work through the day on cleaning and packing- the breaks with the kiddos are welcomed but at the same time a pain because I lose my pace and then before I know it its bed time.
I am extremely sorry to all of those who signed up for the Christmas In July swap. When I announced the swap, I never dreamed that we would be moving to Utah. I am so sorry for dropping the ball. I am such a horrible bloggy host. I didn't intend to leave you all hanging. I had full intentions of making this a huge festivity, but then life caught up with me. I hope you all can forgive me and I will be brainstorming on how I can make it up to you all.
Thank you so much for being so wonderful! And I hope that I can get back to blogging more often. I have to catch up with all of you.

Friday, August 10, 2012
Flashback Friday-Happy 5 Months
Emery 5 days old
March 15, 2012
My little man is officially 5 months old. I cannot believe it. I feel like this time is flying by so fast. Evangelina didn't grow this fast, did she? I feel like he changes every moment. Its insane. 5 months of pregnancy is definitely much longer than 5 months of his life. I truly believe that this little man can't wait to grow! Impatient little boy! He was impatient from the get go, but he truly is amazing. Yes, I am biased, but if you meet him you would think so to. He always has a smile on his face from first thing in the morning until bed time. He sleeps through the night (since his 2nd month.) He is cuddly and sweet. He makes some of the most awesome faces! And he is so laid back.
Happy 5 Months, Emery!
I love you!

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